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В ближайшее время с вами свяжется менеджер для уточнения деталей
SencorSencor STM 4460GG Многофункциональный кухонный комбайн, двигатель 1000 Вт с 4 концентраторами, пластиковая крышка для хранения, салатница, 8 уровней сMAIN BENEFITS Extremely powerful 1,000W motor with 4 hubs Salad maker with all the function of stand mixer Sencor Smart Power & Energy – for optimal speed Variable speed control with smooth start and 8 speed levels Pulse function Transparent bowl lid with feed tube for easy addition of ingredients while blending Plastic storage lid for stainless steel bowl PLANETARY KNEADING, BLENDING AND WHIPPING SYSTEM ensures that all the contents in the bowl are completely blended attachments simultaneously rotate around their own axis as well as around the axis of the gearbox enables processing 100% of the bowl's contents guarantees perfect mixing of ingredients <20565RUB